That brings us to our next point. Fresh is Local. Much of the technology that has gone into producing and delivering food has gone to the preservation of that food. Food needs preservatives when it is being shipped long distances and when it is designed for a long shelf life.
Science is telling us processed foods are bad for us. Health experts are urging us to eat whole foods, natural foods, minimally processed foods. Developing countries see an increase in diabetes, obesity, and other health related problems when packaged foods become affordable and widely available. In the developed world, big food companies are selling us on new and reformulated products that are “healthier” with “less sugar” and “fewer ingredients” but these products are still made in factories far from the population and even when they are “healthier,” they are designed to sit in un-refrigerated warehouses and move in un-refrigerated trucks across the country, to sit on a shelf (yours or the stores) for up to 2 years. When was the last time you looked at an expiration date while opening an energy bar or adding protein powder to your smoothie?