Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mama’s out there! Moms are awesome and they can do anything! We wanted to thank our own mother for being an incredible mom who taught us with her words and actions to be strong and independent women. She even inspired us to start our business!
Our mom, Kathy, is a school teacher and a nurse. In addition to working a full time job over the years and being a mom, she also started and ran a nursery school while we were growing up. My sister and I were in her first classes! And let me tell you, it wasn’t always easy having your mom be your teacher too. There was definitely no slacking off in the classroom! :-)
Mom educated us, fed and watered us and taught us all about entrepreneurship and hard work. From weekends helping her clean the school (yes, we’ve been janitors!), to setting up the school for graduations (event planners too!), to making flyers, banners and bulletin boards for holiday announcements and classroom initiatives, we learned first hand how hard entrepreneurs work and how much they put into making their business a success. It was an amazing experience- character building as they like to say! We felt the satisfaction of a job well done and also the struggle to get it all done! Mom, you are such an inspiration to us. Thank you for leading by example and showing us that women can do anything! There is no way we would be where we are today without you! Thanks, Mom!
I also want to give a special shout out to the amazing women and mothers we work with everyday. Business owners who are mothers too are a truly special bunch of people and are so wonderful to work with- hard working, creative and totally unstoppable. I am so inspired by what you all accomplish everyday! You help me be better everyday. Thank you ladies!
Talia @ Sixteenmilll (who just gave birth to her first! Congrats!)
Sarah @ Kneadlove
Jenny @ IXVcoffee
Hannah @ Matchaful
Apologies if I’ve missed anyone!
Share with us your stories about your amazing powerful mothers!
- Carolyn James
Founder, Nuthatch NYC